Syndrome of Unusual Psychiatric Presentations Associated with Overthinking and Personal Problems
Hashim Syndrome; Overthinking; Oversleeping; Over dreaming; Loss of appetite.Abstract
Background: Overthinking is one of the leading causes of depression and anxiety among both males and females.
Life's problems have a high impact on the psychological status of each one and may have a role in establishing suicidal thoughts in their minds and eventually lead them to commit it. Methodology: It is a retrospective cross-sectional study involving 10 cases who suffered from oversleeping, loss of appetite, abnormal dreaming, and overthinking and who was admitted to the psychiatry clinic in the last two years. The data collected included patients' demographics, presenting symptoms, examination, and clinical outcomes. The sleepiness was evaluated by using Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) which was tested for validity and reliability for the Arabic version. Results: All ten cases were presented with similar symptoms which are: Oversleeping (They said that they chose to sleep by themselves), Loss of Appetite, Overthinking, Over dreaming during sleep. 8 patients (80%) complained of the fourth symptom together and they were presented after two days of being symptomatic. The other two cases were presented after four days of being symptomatic and their symptoms were mild. Conclusion: Hashim syndrome, is a newly described syndrome that is presented as (overthinking, oversleeping, over dreaming, and loss of appetite). There is no effect of age or gender on the symptoms and the severity of the syndrome and it is mostly associated with life problems. These symptoms will be gone, once the cause is treated (Solving or accepting the problems).
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